Roger, I'm generally a huge fan of your work. I cite it often. With this article, I found myself thinking a lot about the use of the word 'subordinate,' though. In addition to the factors that you note here, I think a large part of execution can have to do with leadership inspiration and the relationships leaders invest in with the human beings executing on the work. For this reason, I'm not much a fan of the use of the word subordinate, maybe team members, or, in my article A Business Lexicon for the Next Century, I suggested we use the term 'vessels of potential,' to reframe how we think about people at work. Sometimes a slight shift in our language, can help us to think of things differently. In this case, to help frame up the humans as having potential to get things done, perhaps if, as and when their work tasks and opportunities are also aligned with their own personal potential and interests as often as possible. And with communication and check-ins about how things are going for them, what barriers might be getting in the way, allowing space to realign and adjust as necessary. Thanks as always for your thought-provoking work.